February 2021 Newsletter

Dear Golden Key Piano School Community,

We have a juicy newsletter for you this month with some new ideas, goodies and more.

1. Best of Berkeley in Music Lessons Award in 2020

Best of Berkeley 2020 award - Piano lesson ManhattanWe are honored to be selected as The Best of Berkeley in Music Lessons for 13 consecutive years! We owe this award to our amazing team of teachers and to Mr. Arefi, our founder and manager for his caring manner towards students and teachers both.

2. Parent-Teacher Meeting

Students and parents - Piano School in ManhattanMany thanks to all your five star reviews and positive feedback on our recent survey. We are extremely happy to see that all students are enjoying their lessons, improving in their piano skills and loving their piano school.

One suggestion we received in the survey was to have a workshop to discuss how parents can help the students at home with practice and with preparation for the annual exam.

We are going to hold a parent-teacher meeting on Sunday February 7th at 5:00pm PST to brain storm and answer questions about that subject.

The zoom link to join the meeting is:
Golden Key Piano School’s Parent-Teacher Meeting

We hope to see many of you at this meeting!

3. New: A Referral System to Give Back to the Community

In the month of January, out of fourteen new students who registered at our school six were referred by our current students or our friends in the community. We feel flattered and loved by all the referrals and we are starting a referral system to return the love and support back to the bigger community.

Starting February 2021 for each student that is referred to us we will:

  • Add $50 to our scholarship fund, to make our quality lessons available to a wider community.
  • Wave the $30 registration fee for your friend as a welcome gift to our school.
  • Send you a box of Blue Chocolate as a small token of thanks and to help another small business in the community. Chocolatier Blue started across the street from our school in Berkeley and now has a few branches open.

Chocolatier Blue

We hope that this new system will make referrals a culture in our school so we can serve more and more children (and adults) in the community.

4. Special February Offer: Parents and Siblings Discount

Are you a parent or sibling of a current student at Golden Key Piano School who has been contemplating to start the piano lessons? Now is the time to get started.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day we are offering $100 off of first month tuition to any siblings or parents of our current student who start their lessons in the month of February. This offer includes those parents and siblings who used to take lessons and would like to resume their piano lessons. Share the love of music with your loved ones and bring more music into your home.

Here are the teacher’s availabilities as of today:

Teacher Anastasia: Wednesday 6:45
Teacher Blake: Wednesday 4:30, Thursday 5:00, Saturday 6:45pm
Teacher Chenyi: All Booked
Teacher Christopher: Tuesday 3:15
Teacher Katrin: All Booked
Teacher Ketevan: Tuesday 3:00, Thursday 4:00
Teacher Michelle: Friday 4:15, Friday 5:15
Teacher Nicole: Wednesday 4:30, Wednesday 6:30
Teacher Robin: Wednesday 6:30
(All times are PST)

(This offer is for current students of Golden Key Piano School only.)

5. Theory Practice Pages for all Students to Download

We made theory practice pages for all levels available in a Google drive for all students and teachers to use. You would need your teacher’s recommendation on what level to download. After you work on the questions you can simply send a picture of that page to your teacher for reviewing during the lesson.

Please find the theory practice pages here:
Golden Key Piano School Merit Music Examination Practice

6. Marylin’s Recital Video

Despite all our effort we dropped the ball and missed our dear Marilyn’s video on the recital last month. We are really sorry dear Marilyn.

Marilyn playing Clementi Sonatina Op.36 No.1

Here is her video on our YouTube channel now. Please watch, like, and share. She did a great job.

7. Teacher’s News: Some Music from Cooper

Our former teacher, Cooper who is now a full-time student at San Francisco Conservatory of Music pursuing his passion as a composer just recently shared with me his Minuet.

This is some really wonderful music that he has allowed me to share with the school. The melody is sweet and sophisticated at the same time and the piece sounds like today’s music.

Congratulations to Cooper and we look forward to hear more of his music!

If you have any questions please call the school at (510) 665-5466 or reply to this email.

Yours truly,
Katrin Arefy


Katrin Arefy, Head Teacher
1809 University Ave., Berkeley, CA

“… there is an invisible thread between teacher and student…”

— U. Galperina

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