January 2021 Newsletter

Dear Golden Key Piano School Community,

We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year! May the year 2021 bring you much joy, health, love and healing from what we all experienced this past year. We have some New Year’s gift for you and some great news.

1. New Year’s Special:
Discount for Those Interested in Taking 2 Weekly Lessons

Piano has been a great tool for our students to express themselves during this difficult time. It has helped them use their staying at home time in a productive way. During the last 9 months many of our students became much more serious about their piano practice, quiet a few families upgraded their instruments and some students added a second weekly lesson to their schedule.

To help you on the path of focusing more on your piano playing and getting more out of it we have a special offer for the month of January. Here are the details:

  • Start taking two weekly lessons and the tuition for your second lesson will be discounted as followed.60 minutes lessons:
    $270 per month.
    $370 per month. (with Katrin Arefy – Head teacher)

    45 minute lessons:
    $250 per month
    $350 per month (with Katrin Arefy – Head teacher)

  • Offer is valid through January 30, 2021
  • Some teacher’s availability is very limited so we can only accommodate the second lesson as long as there is room in your teacher’s schedule.

2. Theme recital

Receiving your recital videos we were really delighted to see how much every single one of the students improved over the last year. It was also great to see how all the children became taller, and more mature. We are really proud of all the students at Golden Key Piano School and look forward to share the result of their hard work in our Theme Recital.

We have 4 recitals streaming this Monday January 4th. Here is the information

Please see the recital program in the description of each YouTube video.
When you join the live stream please feel free check the chat box, comment and connect with each other.

We will see you all then.

3. Student Spotlight:
Congratulations to Landon!

Congratulation’s to Landon, student of teacher Nicole for successfully passing level 4 in Royal Conservatory Music and receiving an honorable mention.

If you are interested in applying for the RCM exam you may discuss it with Katrin or with your teacher. To register please see.

4. Our Charity Concert Was a Great Success

Student and teacher at recital - Piano lessons in Manhattan

Our one-hour charity concert was a real joy to watch. Many thanks to all the students who participated, all the teachers who prepared the students and all the parents for helping with recording and sending out the video. It was a lot of work but well worth it.

It is still not too late to watch the video here:


and to donate here:

If you have any questions please call the school at (510) 665-5466 or reply to this email.

Yours truly,
Katrin Arefy


Katrin Arefy, Head Teacher
1809 University Ave., Berkeley, CA

“… there is an invisible thread between teacher and student…”

— U. Galperina

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