1. Celebrating And Receiving Your Certificate
We are proud of all the students for successfully passing the exam. This year to make it more memorable for students and parents we are going to hand the certificates to you in a small celebratory gathering.
When: July 25th, 1 to 3pm.
Prep level, Level 1 and Level 2 students come at 1:00pm
Level 3 and 4 students come at 1:30pm
All other students come at 2:00pm
Where: Golden Key Piano School / Berkeley, CA
What if I can’t make it? No worries, you may choose to pick up your certificate when you come to your lesson or we will mail it to you after the event.
Who is invited? Students who passed their level exam and their parents are invited. Each student can bring one friend as well.
Pictures of Our Graduation Party
At Golden Key Piano School we are proud to cultivate life-long love of music in students. Many of our students start at very young age and stay with us all the way till they graduate from high school and go off to college.
This year we celebrated the graduation of Elaine, Aryana, Tergelsar, William and Isabel in a small event sending them off to the next stage of their loves with much love.

3. A Treat From Our Student Nikolai

Here is a recording by Nikolai, at age eight, playing Chopin’s Polonaise in G minor.
Chopin wrote this piece when he was seven years old. This is a perfect piece for younger students to be introduced to Chopin and Nikolai is playing it really well. Good job Nikolai!
4. Thank You for Referring Us!
Most of our new students are referred by our current students or our friends in the community. We feel flattered and loved by all the referrals and we have a referral system to return the love and support back to the bigger community.
Here is how it works!
For each student that is referred to us we will:
- Add $50 to our scholarship fund, to make our quality lessons available to a wider community.
- Wave the $30 registration fee for your friend as a welcome gift to our school.
- Send you a box of gift and a gift card as a token of thank for referring us to your friends.
Thank you again for trusting us and for letting your friends know that you trust in us as the best choice for your families music education.
5. Teachers’ News

Congratulations to Teacher Robin for Being Chosen to Participate in Two Seminars!
Here is a note and some videos from teacher Robin’s recent performance. This sounds like a lot of fun and we are so happy for teacher Robin’s achievements.
“I participated in over the last two weeks, first week was a Illinois Bach Academy and I was singing several Bach’s choral works as a Tenor.
Second week was a Illinois Choral Conducting Symposium and I conducted some choral pieces by Poulenc, Mozart, Brahmas, Mendelssohn, Barber, Britten, Irving Fine and Durufle. I am sharing my conducting video from my rehearsal with you. It was a first conducting and singing in person after pandemic. Such a magical and unforgettable week full of great music, inspiration and humanity.”
Teacher Blake’s Temporary Leave
As many of you know, our wonderful teacher Blake had to stop teaching at Golden Key Piano School because her job permit expired. We are saying a temporary good bye to teacher Blake and we will be patiently and eagerly waiting for her paperwork to have her back at work when she is ready. In the meantime we will stay in touch and keep you posted on her news.
Many of teacher Blake’s student made very impressive progressed over the last year and a half. We are grateful for her amazing work with the students.
And as we say a temporary goodbye to her at Golden Key Piano School we welcome her back to America and look forward to seeing her.

Teacher Christopher’s Upcoming Performance
Our beloved Christopher Richardson was invited to perform the Schubert “Trout” Quintet D. 667 with a string quartet at the Taipei Music Academy and Festival at the San Francisco Conservatory on August 7. The exact time is TBD.

Farewell to Teacher Anastasia
Our dear, sweet teacher Anastasia, beloved of all her students has been facing some challenges with her health recently. After taking a six weeks off to focus on her health she has decided that the kind of scheduled teaching job is not the best choice with her new condition.
We are very sad to not see Anastasia at Golden Key Piano School any more and we wish her all the best from the bottom of our heart.